Tampa Bay Mortgage Broker

Mortgage Broker


  • The mortgage broker was introduced to Need SEO through a residential realtor that worked with them for new purchases, home refinancings, and closings.
  • Both parties were seeking a higher volume profile to attract more clients that needed financing when it was time to close on a residential home purchase.
  • This field of financial lending is highly competitive and this client was seeking a differentiator that enabled them to stand apart while building credibility.
  • Their demographic reach is nationwide with an emphasis in the Southeastern United States.


  • Prior to working with Need SEO, this client had sought to utilize other avenues that resulted in many wasted spends and false promises.
  • They had no experience with using some of the search channels nor how to effectively manage the campaigns for optimum reach.
  • It was discovered that since this area of mortgage lending was highly competitive, the cost to use many services was expensive yielding very little positive results.
  • In the past, many of the service providers sought a very generic approach to marketing which provided a broad playing field that was too large to differentiate and compete.
  • Youtube Videos was incorporated as part of the marketing plan however the mere creation of videos did not achieve tangible actions without a clear cut plan that was proven to be successful.


  • Need SEO reviewed all of the marketing methods that were used by the client before to see what was done, what analysis was used, and the expense that went along with such actions.
  • There was a thorough investigation that was conducted to also see who the competition was, what they were doing, and where they were exceeding the others competing in the same space.
  • Through the use of some proprietary software, it was uncovered how the top mortage lenders managed to gain the top search results for keywords and search terms while others floundered.
  • The utilization of other media sources contributed effectively whereby those contributing sources provided a search boost to this client’s status.
  • Building credibility and the sharing of industry solutions carved a solid niche that audiences gravitated to and thirsted for more.
  • The development of a solid and reliable client base was not a one shot deal, but rather the building of a long lasting client relationship that remained over the course of many years and home purchase and sales as well as referrals.
  • Hashtag analyses and employment for exponential audience attraction served to be quite advantageous for remarketing and retargeting.
  • Need SEO provided a financial acument that resonated with the client from an understanding of the financial field and their Wall Street background.
  • The client had a very extensive understanding and background in mortgage financing and bank lending.  It was after meeting them and hearing about their knowledge base, did Need SEO decide to utilize this avenue of information as effectively as possible to gain trust and confidence from their audience in order to gain these people as business opportunities without trying to sell them.


  • In a relatively short period of time, the SERP (search engine results pages) saw a substantial increase in the organic listings for relevant search terms.
  • The local search results increased by bringing them to the top of those directories.
  • There was a profound increase in “conversions” that were evidenced by verifiable phone calls and email requests leading to a bonafide client.
  • Client was given the luxury of not needing to “baby sit” the client accumulation and lead generation process while devoting their time to sourcing better interest rates and lending packages for their clientele.
  • The client found that their budget was better utilized with a ROAS (return on ad spend) that yielded an increase in sales revenues and portfolio of future loan relationships over time.