- “Solar Energy” is in the residential solar panel and installation business and operates in various county locations in Tampa Bay, Florida.
- They built out their infrastructure with sales, maintenance, and engineering to provide comprehensive information for homeowners as to how solar energy works with their respective local electric and power grid companies along with tax incentives.
- Solar Energy rolled out their own Google Ads internally through marketing and digital employees initially.
- The Client developed some YouTube videos and utilized them on Facebook Ads and Google Ads.
- Without an understanding of the search platform indexing processes, the ads that were employed generated little to no conversions with wasted spends going towards “clicks” that were not tied to a consistent and coherent landing page that resonated with their audiences.
- There was a presupposition that if they spent more money, they would automatically gain more client prospects through a higher conversion rate from their ads.
- The Client did not dedicate their resources to understanding the behavioral science of integrating ad copy in their campaigns.
- The initial steps for Need SEO was to conduct a series of interviews with the Client principals and marketing team to understand the business and the Client’s history of developing itself.
- An analysis of the existing ads, landing pages, website, and videos was important to see what was in place and where the disconnect existed that prevented the intended and desired results from their marketing campaigns.
- Need SEO paused all of the Client’s existing campaigns, ad groups, and ads and redesigned the PPC “tree” in order to create a logical approach to the ads account that gives Google and Facebook a higher Quality Score resulting in cheaper clicks for the Client.
- Each campaign was designed around core areas of the solar business while tying together the keywords that formulated the base for ads and the copy used.
- Branded campaigns were also designed to leverage competitor traffic towards the Client. We also integrated a dynamic remarketing/ retargeting for audience expansion and greater CTR (click thru rate) for performance.
- The Match type management was important for a higher CTR and consequently conversion ratio. This enabled the campaigns to weed out wasted keywords and ad spends that were not relevant to the Client’s business while gathering those search queries that were.
- Need SEO provided a 24/7 access to the ad campaign platform’s dashboards whereby the Client could see and monitor all work being done and the budget spends and alterations made.
- In the course of 10 days, the Client experienced a significant increase in impressions, clicks, and conversions with a CTR that exceeded 1.00% to a 2 1/2%-3% rate.
- The Impression Share which monitors rankings of ads, budgets, and Quality Score improved drastically where the ROAS (return on ad spend) gained 3-5x.
- The improvements and results all contributed to an even greater expansion in territory and staff build out while revenues showed a hockey stick improvement.