Marketing For Lawyers


When passing the bar just ain’t enough, there is so much more that is on your shoulders.  Whether you like it or not, you are in business for yourself and that responsibility is yours.  Sure, the firm provides resources and all you have to do is your case load and bill your time, right? Wrong.

After spending over thirty years on Wall Street, I came to realize that although I did not own the firm, I acted like I did and it revolutionized my day to day psyche and approach to every task that I undertook. Most importantly, I set myself up to always be independent in my thoughts in the event that I ever went off on my own.  That in and of itself empowered me to develop my skill set to market and be free.

One of the key factors that we followed when we built our online and digital marketing agency was to never believe anything unless it could be proven and there was tangible evidence.  The other factor was to stop chasing shiny objects and only pursue tactics that monetized a result for our business.  This clearly was our mission to follow and build our platform for our clientele.

So results that are trackable with evidence that they actually exist are vital and sustainable so they can be repeated over and over again.      Whether you like it or not, you are selling your services and need to understand the business components of profitability within the firm. The growth of expanding your business becomes an exponential exercise that not only helps those that you serve, but it also grows jobs and the economy from your services.  Sounds like koombaya? Well not really because the end result is multifaceted and serves many purposes.

There are a lot of marketing cliches that you hear all the time i.e. “branding” and “just put it out there”, but honestly there are steps to follow that are not spam nor misleading, but rather direct and productive because as we know, our audience is looking to save time and not go down the long and winding rabbit holes that lead to more rabbit holes.


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