Pay Per Click

Need SEO has Google Partners that it works with in order to provide the most up to date and state of the art approaches to competing in the Google online auction. In this competitive world of:

  • “impressions”
  • “clicks”
  • “conversions”

Need SEO has established itself as a “solutions management provider” in the 2020 world of digital commerce and online reach.

In the aftermath of COVID 19, there are multiple challenges in the ways that people interact and communicate with each other.  This directly translates into buying behaviour and how people search for what they want.  What worked before is not only outdated but it may also be inappropriate as to how it is expressed in ads and ad copy. 

There are many components of PPC advertising and done correctly, they can provide a huge time and budget savings in maximizing one’s ROAS or Return On Ad Spend.  As in any competitive business however, there are many pitfalls and obstacles that can make PPC daunting and expensive without proper and professional management.

The auction system on PPC does not reward the highest bidding price.  It actually provides an algorithm that rewards advertisers based on the quality of the experience in its entirety.  The management of keywords, both negative and positive, provides the core arsenal of successful conversions. Additionally, the ad copy of headline, titles, and descriptions and use of ad extensions with a meaningful landing page all team up to reward a seller with cheaper clicks and more frequent impression rankings known as Quality Score.

PPC enables businesses to compete on equal footing with more established and more capitalized competitors. Unlike SEO (Search Engine Optimization), where ranking results are based on backlinks and content creation over time, PPC can afford newcomers to participate instantaneously with strong revenue conversion results.

PPC on Google, Facebook, and Bing operate collectively as a powerful support system that work interlaced with Youtube and other media that users interface and access.  Contrary to popular belief, there is no one platform campaign that defines success.

The final point here that is vital to succeed using Google Ads and other ad platforms is that they have many opportunities to get trapped and make mistakes that will result in wasted spends.  This is not an accident and therefore it is the reason that PPC is not for the fainted heart, but it does not mean to run and hide from it.  PPC is highly profitable for you and business owners done correctly and knowing the landmines and pitfalls that you will encounter going it alone will make the difference.  Our job is to be your scout and guide on this exciting journey! 

PPC Management Company in Tampa:

Need SEO offers PPC Management services in Tampa, Florida. Contact us today at (866) 907-2978 to schedule a FREE Consultation today!


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is PPC (Pay Per Click) important?

PPC is the online auction system that enables businesses to compete immediately for search queries and keywords that are sought by audience prospects.  It doesn’t require a history or advertising spend over time in order to participate and it allows one to compete head to head with large established competitors immediately.

How much advertising spend is recommended?

There is no set amount but depending upon the profession and business determines the targeted spend. Google and the search engines index ads so it is important to know what minimums are required in order to get indexed efficiently.

Do you offer free consultations?

Yes, in fact we highly recommend a consultation so we can understand your targeted sales revenue goals and therefore establish a ROAS (Return On Ad Spend) that is appropriate for you. Contact us at: (866) 907-2978 to set up this FREE consultation.

Do you offer SEO?

Yes our team also offers SEO services. We created an SEO for Jiu Jitsu Guide. While niche, we apply a lot of these concepts to our clients in other industries as well.

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