SEO: Search Engine Optimization Company in Tampa

Need SEO is an SEO Agency in the Tampa area. Our agency does a thorough analysis of your Niche to get your website visible to the right target audience!

SEO Services in Tampa

SEO Services we Provide: 

  • GMB (Google My Business) Local listing & Geographic Relevance
  • Schema Tags (Accentuating Info For Queries i.e. FAQ’s, Reviews, Product/ Services, Events)
  • Keyword Research
  • Title and Description Tags
  • Content Creation (Blogs/ Press Releases)
  • Internal Linking and External Linking
  • Competitor Analysis

Google My Business and Local Listings:

We manage Google My Business (GMB) and Local Listings. Keeping an up to date GMB Listing is very important in Local SEO as it allows your website to pop up in the Google Maps.

LOcal SEO Tampa

Managing Local Listings across the web is super important for your SEO Rankings as well because. Local Citations are like a popularity contest and the more places your website is listed, generally the better your SEO ranking will be.

Keyword Research to Map Correct Search Intent

We can be ranking for keywords that generate THOUSANDS  of clicks, but if we aren’t targeting the right Keywords, the quality of traffic is going to be extremely low.
Our team at Need SEO does Keyword Research at a very high level to ensure we are getting in front of the right audience.
Search Intent for Keyword Research

Mapping Stages of Search Intent

When creating our SEO Campaigns we map out Journey stages for each particular industry 

  • Informational
  • Investigational 
  • Transactional 

Title and Description Tags

After completion of Keyword Research, we optimize our Title and Description Tags for Both Google and our appropriate Target Audience.


Call To Action in Description Tags 

We also add Call To Actions in our Description Tags to generate more clicks as well.
Title Tag Optimization Tampa

On Page Optimization

We will optimize your on page SEO factors such as headings. Having Headings in proper alignment and in order of importance is not only important for Google, but also the users. 
User Experience is LITERALLY everything, so our content must be laid out appropriately.
On Page Optimization SEO

Content Suggestions

Through our Keyword Research, we will make additional content suggestions for Blog Posts. Although we don’t write the content ourselves, we will provide an in depth outline for each of our topic ideas, so your writer has a clear understanding of what needs to be included.

Content Outline SEO


Link Building

Links are still an extremely important Factor in SEO. Not all links are created equal however and some links can actually do more harm than good. At Need SEO, we only build relevant links to your niche/industry.

Link Building Services Tampa


Internal Links

Proper internal Link optimization is also really important for both users and Google. It helps users navigate your site more easily and it helps Google to crawl your site quicker as well. Not only that, internal links help to distribute your External Link Equity evenly.

Competitor Analysis

We will also perform a Competitor Analysis to see what our competitors are doing well and other potential link opportunities. If a competitor is doing something extremely well from a User Experience POV or KW Targeting perspective, we like to take note and try to implement similar improvements.
Competitive Analysis


Schema Markup:

We use Schema Markup to make our web pages stand out in the Search Results. There are three types of Schema Markup we use:
  • Local Business Schema
  • Review Schema
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Local Business Schema 

Local Business Schema is a code placed in the backend of your site and does not affect the website’s design or looks. However, it helps with your overall web presence as it tells Google what your site is about and where your business is located.

Review Schema 

Review Schema doesn’t directly impact your ranking, but it does allow your reviews to show through in the Search Results, which can really help with overall clicks.
Review Schema For SEO Clients

Frequently Asked Questions Schema

FAQ Schema allows your questions and answers to show through in the Search Results and allows your site to take up more real estate in the Search Results.
FAQ Schema Markup

Hear what our Clients have to say! 


SEO Review Need SEO
FAQ Schema
SEO Review Tampa

 FREE SEO Consultation! 

 Contact us today at (866) 907-2978 to schedule a FREE Consultation with Need SEO today!

SEO Agency located in Tampa, Florida

Need SEO is Located in Tampa, Florida. Find us below on the maps!

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