The current state of affairs with COVID 19 has forced mankind into a holding tank without an imminent escape hatch. The one thing that we know is that in order to survive i.e. make a living, we must reinvent ourselves. This is not to say that if we are a doctor, we now must practice law. But rather, it does say that our method and approach towards doing what we do will manifest itself into different ways.
For our online marketing business where networking events at the local level was a common practice. Now, we have reached out into the virtual world of marketing to different professions in different geographic locations. In some ways lead generation has expanded into a more impersonal world but actually comes to realize that although strangers are our first touch point, our differentiator is still the personal follow up as if we were still face to face locally.
So what does this mean for others? The concept remains the same whereby each industry must analyze how they can use the technology of what is available to us and incorporate these to reach your prospects and existing clients.
Clearly certain professions are more vulnerable than others however in the service industries, communication can be conducted effectively and in many ways more efficiently.
Most businesses are there giving advice or consultations. A hands on profession i.e. massage therapist or chiropractor might utilize their online communications to offer advice and how certain exercises or self treatments can be administered in the comfort of your home.
Your professional reputation and stature will be admired and well appreciated by your audience of followers.
Thinking out of the box is what times like this require and the sooner we adopt such practices, the sooner we will emerge and recover from the doldrums of such insidious times.